Subinstr stata
Subinstr stata

subinstr stata

subinstr(s, old, new, cnt) returns s with the rst cnt occurrences of old changed to new. if `variab'`variab'`hcut' & `variab'~=.ĭi " `var' & " %7.2f r(mean) " & " %7.2f r(sd) " & " %7.2f r(p25) " & " %7.2f r(p50) " &" %7.2f r(p75) " & " %7.0fc r(N) "ĭi " `var' & " %7.2f r(mu_1) " & " %7.2f r(sd_1) " & " %7.0fc r(N_1) " & " /// Title subinstr() Substitute text DescriptionSyntaxRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Description subinstr(s, old, new) returns s with all occurrences of old changed to new. etc.Įgen `variab'`lcut'=pctile(`variab'), p(`lcut') by(type_id US)Įgen `variab'`hcut'=pctile(`variab'), p(`hcut') by(type_id US) 2subinstr() Substitute text Diagnostics subinstr(s, old, new, cnt) and subinword(s, old, new, cnt) treat cnt < 0 as if cnt 0 was specied the original.

subinstr stata

Here is one solution using the macro extended function -subinstr- (-help extendedfcn-). subinstr(s, old, new, cnt), subinword(s, old, new, cnt): s: r 1 c 1 old: r 2 c 2 new: r 3 c 3 cnt: r 4 c 4 (optional) s, old, new, cnt r-conformable result: max(r 1,r 2,r 3,r 4) max(c 1,c 2,c 3,c 4) 1. * it is done by type_id US, could be by firm_id year. For example, if I have the following data, I want to generate new variables countSS, countSM, and countSG that contains the number of occurrences of SS, SM, or SG in variable awards. * list of variables to winsorize/check for extreme values: If you do not issue the clear command and there is already data in memory that has changed since last being saved, Stata. * dropping extreme values (could be adjusted for winsorizing as well) Mlabels("US Nondurable" "US Durable" "UK Nondurable" "UK Durable") /// Labels("Firm-years" "Firm deviations p-value" "Link test p-value" )) eqlabels(none) replace /// Here is one solution using the macro extended function -subinstr- (-help. For example, if I have the following data, I want to generate new variables countSS, countSM, and countSG that contains the number of occurrences of 'SS', 'SM', or 'SG' in variable awards.

Subinstr stata how to#

local names : subinstr local names 'pig' '', word. Somebody asked how to count the number of occurrences of a string within a string.

subinstr stata

Estout gc`i'USnondur gc`i'USdur gc`i'UKnondur gc`i'UKdur /// In Stata, words are or could be separated by spaces (other than being bound by double quotes) in the case of Stata variable names, distinct variable names are always distinct words.

Subinstr stata